An easy to cook and prepare meal that will keep everyone happy. The cutlets taste fantastic crumbed or straight onto the BBQ or grill.
- 4 veal cutlets (crumbed works too)
- ½ green cabbage
- 2 onions
- 4 cloves garlic
- 3 chorizo chopped at 1.5cm dice
- 1.5 cups white wine
- 2 bay leaves
- generous pinch of saffron
- salt and pepper to taste
Preperation Directions
BBQ or Grill the veal, turn 4-5 times, cook to medium rare or to taste.
Chorizo & Saffron Cabbage
- Warm the white wine to the boil take off the stove and add the saffron and set aside
- In a heavy casserole with 100ml extra virgin olive oil fry the chorizo to extract the oils from the sausage
- Take the chorizo from the pan and keep for later
- In the hot oil place onions and sliced garlic, salt and pepper, cook down until softened
- Add cabbage, bay leaves and cook down on a high heat stirring constantly
- When the bottom of the pan is drying up add the wine and cook the liquid down to almost dry again (you want to keep some juice in the bottom)
- Once happy with consistency check for seasoning and add the chorizo back in, ready to serve.
Chef's notes
Great with mashed or roast potatoes
About Colin Selwood

Growing up amongst farmland on the south island of New Zealand Colin was formally trained in Christchurch in the early 80’s before heading to Sydney to expand his culinary experience…